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How to stop mould, mildew and damp in your bathroom

How to stop mould, mildew and damp in your bathroom

09 June 2021 Articles

Alright, so you step into your shower in the morning and… urghh. The mould is back. And this time with a vengeance. 

No way you’re showering in that muck. 

Ok. There’s good news and bad news.

Bad news: that bathroom mould is only getting worse each day. 

Good news: this article will run you through exactly what you need to do to stop mould in bathroom showers, tiles, fixings, you name it. 

Why does mould love to grow in bathrooms?

Answer: because it’s the wettest, and sometimes the warmest room in your house. If you think about it, every time you run that bath or flick on the shower – you’re essentially creating a mini-greenhouse in there.

Mould and mildew love warm wet places. 

mould and mildew issues no probs plumbing
Right now you might be thinking alright, but I’m cleaning it non-stop. Why does it keep coming back?

As long as it’s wet and humid – mould and mildew will grow, no matter how hard you scrub. 

Ok, solutions. Please

Check your bathroom exhaust fan

The first port of call is making sure this little guy is working fine. There may be excess dust within the vents preventing the fan from actually sucking up the moisture. This basically renders the fan useless at its job. 

exhaust fan issues no probs plumbing

When you shower, moisture in the air increases and the heat from the hot water creates condensation. This condensation will turn into mould and damages the fixtures and surfaces in the bathroom over time. A ventilation fan is your best chance at expelling this warm moist air before it has a chance to settle down. Clean that exhaust fan as best you can.

Bathroom fan too far gone? Get it replaced today

Need a replacement exhaust fan? The team here at No Probs Plumbing and Electrical can install a new one for you in no time at all. Our most talented electrician Perth has to offer will make sure your bathroom is fully equipped to stop mould in its tracks. 

Ventilate your bathroom

ventilate your bathroom

Make sure you’ve got proper ventilation throughout your bathroom. Natural air flow is as good (if not better) than any electric fan. So if you’ve got bathroom windows, keep them open both during and after hot showers to expel any humid air and lingering moisture. In the winter months this can get a little chilly, so consider installing an exhaust fan if possible. Remember to keep your bathroom doors open after you’re finished – this way more fresh air can enter the room. 

How to stop mould in a bathroom without a window

No window? No stress. There’s plenty of other ways you can increase ventilation and stop mould in bathroom showers and faucets from building up. Here are a few tips:

  • Instal an exhaust fan – no one’s ever regretted extra ventilation, or you could go rogue and leave every bathroom door and window open while showering.
  • Keep your bathroom well lit – mould loves darkness, so keep it bright. You may want to consider installing a roof light in the ceiling. 
  • Keep your bathroom walls and surfaces clean (the more regular the better).
  • Introduce a tropical plant to suck up excess moisture – you may as well lean into the humidity theme.
  • If you ever renovate your bathroom, make sure to use high-gloss surfaces and good quality sealants. 

Fix those leaky taps and shower-heads 

The time has come to tackle those leaks and drips. A leaking tap is a prime mould creator because it doesn’t care how much you clean and dry, it’s just going to keep on dripping and causing chaos around the bathroom fixtures and tiles. On warmer days your dripping problem will turn into a mass-evaporation event and all that water is going to end up on the bathroom ceiling and walls as nasty little mould spores.

fix leaky taps and shower heads emergency plumber

To stop mould in bathroom taps and fittings, ensure everything is on tightly or call a professional Perth plumber at No Probs Plumbing and Electrical. Our Perth plumbing team can find and eliminate leaks, drips and replace old and dodgy showerheads. Give us a call on (08) 9315 5545

Keep an eye on products in your shower 

Leaving shampoo and conditioner bottles inside the shower area or on the floor can severely worsen a mould crisis. Bottles lying on the bathroom floor create the perfect environment for water to gather around and for mould and mildew to develop. 

One way to stop mould in bathroom surfaces such as shower floors and walls is to keep these products in a cool dry place near the shower – but not in the shower.

Don’t be doing this:

stop moulds and mildew

How to stop mould in bathroom sealant

This is the bane of anyone’s existence: mould growth between the tiles and in the cracks – turning what was clean, white sealant into grimy muck and misery. 

stop mould in bathroom sealant

Indeed, mould growth in the bathroom tile sealant can feel like a losing battle sometimes. Here’s how to stop mould in bathroom sealant using two DIY methods:

  1. Use vinegar. Highly acidic and a long-term enemy of mould and mildew, use equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle to apply to the affected area, then using a toothbrush, get to work and scrub that mould away.
  2. Baking soda and water – mix the two ingredients until you form a thick paste. Next, cover the mouldy area and let it sit for a while before scabbing it clean. Voila. 

Be smart about your mould problem – combine your efforts into a full-scale war

Sometimes just leaving the bathroom door open isn’t going to cut it. Nor is scraping bathroom tiles with a toothbrush for hours on end. Ultimately, using a host of the methods above will be the best way to win your war against mould infestations. Remember to keep things dry, cool and bright, and airy.

prevent moulds and mildew from growing in your bathroom

I’m at the end of my tether. Nothing’s working. What do i do next?

If you’re losing the mould-battle, it’s time to call in the artillery. No Probs Plumbing and Electrical have seen it all. And we know more than anything how difficult it is dealing with mould and mildew. 

Whether it be a helping hand, preparing your home for those colder months, or providing useful tips and tricks, the team of experts and No Probs are here to help you all winter long! 

For all your plumbing needs, call No Probs today on (08) 9315 5545, or visit our website for more information. No Probs is your No.1 Plumber Perth